Thread 'DB CF ODLS of order 9'

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ProfileNatalia Makarova
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Message 936 - Posted: 10 Aug 2020, 7:50:53 UTC
Last modified: 10 Aug 2020, 7:52:20 UTC

I am officially opening a new project "DB CF ODLS of order 9" .
This is not a BOINC project yet, but a manual project. I have been working on a project for a long time on a PC.
But you can turn a manual project into a BOINC project if you want.

Here you will find the software you need
(small archive, 2.1 MB)

The software was created by Belyshev and Harry White.

This is the script that works for me

@echo off
copy TemporaryDLS9R1BdFd.txt input.txt
kanonizator_dlk9.exe < vvod1.txt
copy output.txt input.txt
ortogon_u.exe < Y.txt
copy /b rez.txt+mates.txt rez.txt

Before starting the script, you must write the starting DLS to the file DLS9R1BdFdLast.txt.
The starting DLS can be any SN DLS from any rule or any CF from the existing database.

The following programs are running in the process:
1. DLS9R1BdFdCP.exe, a program for generating CH DLK in the selected line, by Harry White;
2.kanonizator_dlk9.exe, program for SN DLK canonization, author Belyshev;
3. ortogon_u.exe, program for checking DLS on ODLS, by Belyshev.
The programs run on Windows.

The process can be looped.
The results are written to the file rez.txt.
For convenience, I copy the results from the file mates.txt, this is one of the output files of the program ortogon_u.exe.
Therefore, it is important: be sure to find all orthogonal DLSs to the squares obtained in the file rez.txt using the program ortogon_u.exe.
Then canonize all the results obtained.
And then the post-processing of the received CF ODLS (search for ODLS from ODLS) will already go.

In the archive you will find the file Variants_of_Diagonal.txt.
These are the rules (side diagonals) for the 9th order SN DLS.
I sent this file to Harry before he started writing the generator program.

You can generate SN DLS in any selected rule in any (reasonable) amount with the Harry DLS9R1BdFd.exe program, which you will also find in the archive.
Generation instructions are understandable at program requests.
If you have any questions, ask.

I posted a small database of CF ODLS for a long time here
In this initial part of the database, there are only 6795 CF ODLS.
At the moment, the database of CF ODLS compiled by me contains 24153 CF ODLS.
This is, of course, very little yet.
But it is difficult to get many solutions on one PC.

Please join the project!

For more detailed instructions, please contact me.
You can write in the subject
in the PM, as well as in the home box

And a very important question!
I ask everyone to report the known data on the CF ODLS database of the order of 9, if you know such data.
Excluding the results of the BOINC Rake Search project. Partially the results of this project are included in the database I compiled. The rest of the results can also be included.
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ProfileNatalia Makarova
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Message 937 - Posted: 13 Aug 2020, 6:15:46 UTC

The second search strategy for 9th order ODLC is Belyshev's program generator_kf_odlk9.
This strategy is described in the topic.
There is nothing to do here at all: I launched the program and forgot.
The program will run until it checks for CF margins in the entire specified rule.
Ready generator CF ODLS!

I post software for this search strategy (Yandex.Disk)

Only one Belyshev program generator_kf_odlk9.exe works in this strategy.
Read the file readme.txt written by the author.

The archive includes sources, these are original author's sources.

Examples of using this strategy are given in the topic
I have worked quite a lot on this strategy.

Let me remind you : there are 20 rules.
You write the rule number from (1 - 20) to the file config.txt .
You may not need to specify the starting SN DLS (In this case delete the start.txt file).
In this case, the program will start searching from the beginning of the specified rule.

Having all the sources, you can easily start a search in a separate Application in any active BOINC project.
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ProfileNatalia Makarova
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Message 938 - Posted: 15 Aug 2020, 5:32:44 UTC
Last modified: 17 Aug 2020, 4:54:53 UTC

Let's see the OEIS sequence
Maximum number of normalized diagonal Latin squares that can be orthogonal to the same diagonal Latin square of order n.

It is written there
a(9) >= 516

I found DLS of order 9 which has 614 ODLS

0 2 5 4 7 3 8 6 1
5 1 6 7 8 2 4 0 3
8 4 2 5 6 0 3 1 7
6 8 0 3 2 7 1 5 4
1 0 3 8 4 6 7 2 5
4 7 1 6 3 5 2 8 0
7 3 8 0 5 1 6 4 2
3 5 4 2 1 8 0 7 6
2 6 7 1 0 4 5 3 8

We now have a(9) >= 614.

The illustration

You can improve this result.
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Message boards : News : DB CF ODLS of order 9

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