Computer breakdown by operating system

View breakdown by BOINC version

Operating system# of active computers% of recent credit
Microsoft Windows 10 1031 26.4795 %
Microsoft Windows 11 927 22.7971 %
Microsoft Windows Server 2022 27 2.8920 %
Microsoft Windows Server 2016 18 2.4797 %
Microsoft Windows Server 2019 24 1.5049 %
Microsoft Windows 7 31 1.1518 %
Microsoft Windows 8.1 6 0.1292 %
Microsoft Windows XP 9 0.0236 %
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 1 0.0089 %
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 2 0.0027 %
Microsoft Windows Server 23H2 1 0.0005 %
Microsoft Windows Vista 1 0.0004 %
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 1 0.0000 %
Windows total 2079 57.4702 %
Darwin total 0 0.0000 %
Linux total 1258 40.7793 %
FreeBSD 15 1.3148 %

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