Project status

Server status

Program Host Status
Download server Running
Upload server Running
Scheduler odlk1 Running
feeder odlk1 Running
transitioner odlk1 Running
file_deleter odlk1 Running
db_purge odlk1 Running
odlk3_validator (odlk3) odlk1 Running
odlk3_assimilator (odlk3) odlk1 Running
odlk3_generator odlk1 Running
odlkmax_validator (odlkmax) odlk1 Running
odlkmax_assimilator (odlkmax) odlk1 Running
odlkmax_generator odlk1 Running

Computing status


Tasks ready to send454572
Tasks in progress184064
Workunits waiting for validation18
Workunits waiting for assimilation52
Workunits waiting for file deletion0
Tasks waiting for file deletion0
Transitioner backlog (hours)0.00


With credit3558
With recent credit511
Registered in past 24 hours128


With credit106594
With recent credit2647
Registered in past 24 hours63
Current GigaFLOPS11755.87

Tasks by application

Application Unsent In progress Runtime of recent tasks in hours: average, min, max Users in last 24 hours
odlk3@home 209455 93963 0.33 (0 - 7.99) 245
odlkmax@home 245117 90102 0.32 (0 - 7.61) 236
Server software version: 1.1.0

Task data as of 4 Mar 2025, 12:05:17 UTC

©2025 ©2024 Progger & Stefano Tognon (ice00) & Reese