Thread 'Lightning bolt'

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Message 3755 - Posted: 3 Apr 2024, 17:56:28 UTC

There was a lightning bolt on 1/4/2024 in the night that damage (e.g. they broke) many electrical devices in the area (1Km^2).
Internet connection were restored only in the morning (as provider is at 200m distance of the server and it was damaged too).

Even if the server is behind a power supply, it get in non operational state (e.g the data disk was disconnected), maybe due to the heavy electrical current it passes onto the battery power supply.

Every disk of the server were un-mount from it and tested in another machine and all data were ok, even if the server did not boot properly.

Now it is running in emergency mode (e.g. it need a manual start up, so if it restart from eventual current blackout, it will no boot) and I will monitoring if all is going right.

During the weekend, I will work on fix it, so the server will be disconnected for some times during the day.

Remember that if the internet connection is on and the server is off, you can see some message here: about his state.

Please, remember to set up a backup BOINC project in case of emergency. Thanks.
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Message boards : News : Lightning bolt

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