Posts by Tomas Brada

21) Message boards : News : Autonomous Subproject (Message 618)
Posted 15 Jan 2019 by Tomas Brada
You can use the programs!

But when you send archives to us, like here, there is no notice in the archive about the author or location. You can include your name too, part of it is your work. It is always better to express your credits, rather than rely on implicit. It makes for less confusion, less mistakes and less conflicts.
22) Message boards : News : Autonomous Subproject (Message 614)
Posted 14 Jan 2019 by Tomas Brada
I am sorry that I brought up the topic of the misunderstanding between your colleagues and the copyright issues. Similar thing is happening with projects at where they had to basically stop the collaboration and work in secret otherwise someone might legally steal their work. It is said and I am really sad about this. I do not want to question the ambitions in your experiment, because I do not know how it works. But sometimes I need to confirm that the computations that we perform here are error-free and useful for you. I want to contribute as much as I can.

Second, I was notified by unnamed person that the 8-ary orthogonal group (recent image from you) is not correct. I do not care, but I will later check for errors on my part.

Third, if you are serious about copyright, you should include a LICENSE or readme file in the archives you send. Currently 1) you are not crediting Belyshev for the programs and 2) not allowing us to run them.
23) Message boards : News : Autonomous Subproject (Message 611)
Posted 14 Jan 2019 by Tomas Brada
The experiment of Belyshev is complete.
Here it is written that 4,31,31 experiment was completed on 17.9.2018 . If that search was already complete, what we were searching for then?
24) Message boards : News : Autonomous Subproject (Message 605)
Posted 13 Jan 2019 by Tomas Brada
Natalia Makarova
I just sent you all results that I have again. In a ZIP file.

Let me make a correction. The app is not all ready, but it is very close.

I also upload here:
25) Message boards : News : Autonomous Subproject (Message 598)
Posted 11 Jan 2019 by Tomas Brada
You can submit a patch to change anything.
26) Message boards : News : Autonomous Subproject (Message 595)
Posted 11 Jan 2019 by Tomas Brada
I do not have a license.
This is my software product and I have the right to publish or not to publish this product.
I warned you about this in a letter. You have agreed to this condition
For the PADLS experiment I provided executable programs. It works.
XAVER performs an experiment and has already sent two portions of the results.

Thank you for confirmation. The files that I published do not include your algorithm. See:

Please note: the person to compile application for BOINC must copy code to line 19. For example ice00. More specific: From ASS_DLK10A.BAS must copy lines 19-469 to the file in repository at line 19. From PSEVDOASS_DLK_new.BAS must copy lines 19-529 to the respective file in repository at line 19.

Is this clear?
27) Message boards : News : Autonomous Subproject (Message 592)
Posted 11 Jan 2019 by Tomas Brada
Natalia Makarova
What are the license terms to your padls generators? From your e-mail, it should not be published. Is this correct? I have not included them into my repository. Anyone wishing to compile from that repository, must copy the missing code in appropriate files.
28) Message boards : News : Autonomous Subproject (Message 576)
Posted 8 Jan 2019 by Tomas Brada
generators are written in BASIC.
Is this an obstacle to using the API BOINC?
I was told that it is necessary to rewrite the generators on C++.
It's right?

Not needed. The API can be used as long as part of the program is in C++. The generators can stay in basic.
29) Message boards : News : Autonomous Subproject (Message 575)
Posted 8 Jan 2019 by Tomas Brada
psevdoass: Add family_mar searching, with paralel support

I linked the PADLS with family_mar searching. Now only think left for boinc app is to add the boinc api calls (previous message).

I also added parallel execution support. On my PC one workunit runs for only 15 minutes. I verified the output matches.

./psevdoass.exe -abkmt output.txt 4 3 7 2 1 9 5 6
I9= 2
I9= 3
I9= 4
I9= 5
I9= 6
I9= 7
I9= 8
I9= 9
ASS_DLK10A: 89312
Step took: 0.565902 s
I1= 2
I1= 3
I1= 4
I1= 5
I1= 6
I1= 7
I1= 8
I1= 9
Step took: 3.16772 s
Have DLS: 568147
Found CF: 304574
Step took: 0.596584 s
Search for Fancy by Family Diagonal Latin Squares (not symmetric)
nb_threads: 16
Checked DLS: 118931254
CPU time: 12127.2
Step took: 811
Found Fancy DLS: 20
Fancy DLS written to:   output.txt
Step took: 0.00805 s
Total run time: 12130.9 s
30) Message boards : News : Autonomous Subproject (Message 572)
Posted 8 Jan 2019 by Tomas Brada
The second step, adding boinc api is harder for me, because a library is missing a file on my system and to get it, I would have to install it manually, which takes time.

Please see this message.
Are we talking about this?

Yes, that's it. Adding boinc api to single well-behaved program is simple. It is just adding #include boinc_api.h, boinc_init, boinc_fraction_done, boinc_finish and boinc_resolve_filename. I can do that, but I wont be able to test, because #include boinc_api.h is not working for me, because a library on my pc is incorrect. I do not want to solve the library issue now.
31) Message boards : News : Autonomous Subproject (Message 570)
Posted 8 Jan 2019 by Tomas Brada
You have made an excellent version of the PADLS experiment software for the Linux system.
This is exactly what ice00 needs!

now you can run the experiment in a BOINC project without problems?

Tomas Brada can help you with this.
Please tell us your opinion.

My modified program is not limited to Linux system, it should compile and run on Windows system too.

For boinc it is better to have a single executable that uses the boinc api. Currently it is two executables (generator and family_mar checker). It is possible to run in wrapper mode, but boinc api is better, because it can report % progress and allow suspend. I could combine the generator and checker. The second step, adding boinc api is harder for me, because a library is missing a file on my system and to get it, I would have to install it manually, which takes time.

How many WUs do you have, or will have, for this experiment?

How soon would you like to see the results?
32) Message boards : News : Autonomous Subproject (Message 568)
Posted 7 Jan 2019 by Tomas Brada
$ ./psevdoass.exe
Expected 9 arguments
Experimental generator of Pseudo-Associative Diagonal Latin Squares.
generator.exe -abk output X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8
 -a : use ASS_DLK10A generator
 -b : use PSEVDOASS_DLK_NEW generator
 -k : find canonicial form
 output : file to write results to
 X1-8   : generator parameters

$ ./family_mar.exe 
Поиск марьяжных ДЛК (кроме симметричных) для семейства ЛК
Expected 2 arguments
Search for Fancy Diagonal Latin Squares.
family_mar.exe input output
 input : file to read Latin Squares from
 output: file to write Fancy Diagonal Latin Squares to
33) Message boards : News : Autonomous Subproject (Message 567)
Posted 7 Jan 2019 by Tomas Brada
Unfortunately, family_mar still takes much longer time to process it. This means that creating BOINC application will be easier.

Yes you are right.
I hope that someday ice00 will agree to launch this experiment in the ODLK1 project.
I found a programmer who is ready to help him with this. This programmer is actively working with BOINC projects.

Mistake. I mean that with my changes to the programs, creating a BOINC app will be easier.

And that family_mar still takes majority of the time. The function that takes the most time is trans_dlx::poisk_simm . I do not understand the math, so I will not work on that function.

I updated the repository. The programs now print most of the messages in English. Added support for input/output arguments to family_mar, so scripting will be easier. I finished the PADLS combined program, it too supports arguments. Other changes in the commit list.

The main algorithm of PADLS generators is not published.

I did not test the programs on Windows yet. I would have to use virtual machine. Windows user should test: install GIT, CMake, C++ compiler, FreeBasic compiler and dependencies. Anyway, I think it should work. I did not use any Linux specifics. So once you can compile, it should work.

$ ./psevdoass.exe -abk tmp.txt 4 3 7 2 1 9 5 6
I9= 2
I9= 3
I9= 4
I9= 5
I9= 6
I9= 7
I9= 8
I9= 9
ASS_DLK10A: 89312
Step took: 0.565635 s
I1= 2
I1= 3
I1= 4
I1= 5
I1= 6
I1= 7
I1= 8
I1= 9
Step took: 3.11591 s
Have DLS: 568147
Found CF: 304574
Step took: 0.467369 s
КФ записаны в файл:     tmp.txt
Step took: 0.130915 s
Total run time: 3.71423 s

$ ./family_mar.exe some_squares.txt tmp.txt
Поиск марьяжных ДЛК (кроме симметричных) для семейства ЛК
Have LS: 193
ETA: 0h 0.0666667m 
Checked DLK: 116437
Run Time (s): 6.64513
Found Fancy DLS: 0
Они записаны в файл tmp.txt
34) Message boards : News : Autonomous Subproject (Message 564)
Posted 6 Jan 2019 by Tomas Brada
For PADS experiment:
I compiled both of the basic generators with freebasic compiler and verified that they still produce same results. Then I created a program to link both the generators and kanonizator together. This program finds KF DLKs from a "row" in just 25 seconds. The original took about 8 minutes. Unfortunately, family_mar still takes much longer time to process it. This means that creating BOINC application will be easier.

PS. Previous portion of solutions received from you results_a05.txt. Did you send portion of solutions results_a06.txt - results_a08.txt?

I am waiting for one batch to finish. When it does, i will send you the results and all other results that I have.
35) Message boards : News : Autonomous Subproject (Message 561)
Posted 5 Jan 2019 by Tomas Brada
Thank you Natalia.
I received both the generators and kanonizator source.

About the PADS generators: which version of BASIC do you use? QBASIC, Visual Basic or some other?

I added the kanonizator to my repository. I had to fix only a small issue and it compiles fine. The repository now contains and can build:

  • family_mar search program
  • gen_lk_4_31_31 family generator, which is no longer needed
  • kanonizator_dlk 1.03

36) Message boards : News : Autonomous Subproject (Message 559)
Posted 4 Jan 2019 by Tomas Brada
I can send you the source codes of my two generators.
But these source codes are written in BASIC. Can you handle this?

It is OK. I do not work in BASIC, but I can handle it.

The program kanonizator_dlk_1.03 of Belyshev has the source.

The file "kanonizator_dlk_1.03.rar" does have the program, but does not contain the source code. Mistake?

I found other versions of kanonizatorov on Poisk ODLK page, but they all produce different output file than the "_1.03". They do produce same number of KF DLK, probably the order is different. I do not want to damage the experiment.
37) Message boards : News : Autonomous Subproject (Message 557)
Posted 4 Jan 2019 by Tomas Brada
Natalia Makarova
An interesting code.
That's what the XAVER got in this test

I got the same set of squares on output. The code i posted was only the checksum of that file, it was not actually in the output. Sorry for causing confusion.
38) Message boards : News : Autonomous Subproject (Message 554)
Posted 4 Jan 2019 by Tomas Brada
I run PADLS test and it finished.
ASS_DLK10A.exe took 0m 28s
PSEVDOASS_DLK_new.exe took 2m 23s
kanonizator_dlk_1.03.exe took 6s
recompiled family_mar took 180m

I got 20 марьяжных ДЛК. MD5 of the output.txt is a667a63917dff740000049d806c827e4.

Канонизатор ДЛК10

Загружена хеш-таблица
Время загрузки:         0.003 сек
Введено ДЛК:            568147
Время загрузки:         4.877 сек
Найдено КФ:             304574
Время поиска:           1.193 сек
КФ записаны в файл:     output.txt
Время записи:           0.161 сек
Общее время работы:     6.297 сек

Поиск марьяжных ДЛК (кроме симметричных) для семейства ЛК

Введено ЛК: 304574

Время работы в сек   : 10699.7
Найдено марьяжных ДЛК: 20
Они записаны в файл output.txt
39) Message boards : News : Autonomous Subproject (Message 553)
Posted 4 Jan 2019 by Tomas Brada
Miss Makarova,
Can you show me the source to your two generators?
I already have sources to the gen_lk_4_31_31 and family_mar.
I found several versions of kanonizators by Belyshev (dlk, lk, lk to dlk), but I do not know which is for this experiment (kanonizator_dlk_1.03), can you plese link me to that too?
Thank you.
40) Message boards : News : Autonomous Subproject (Message 547)
Posted 3 Jan 2019 by Tomas Brada
I queue up KACUWDPFG..KAGKLWHJA ( #19947 + 768 ) for my other computer.

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